The comparison approach, also known as the sales comparison approach, is a commonly used method for valuing commercial real estate. Here are the steps involved in using this approach:
- Identify comparable properties: Identify recently sold properties that are similar in terms of location, size, age, condition, and other relevant characteristics to the property being valued.
- Adjust for differences: Once you have identified comparable properties, you need to adjust their sales prices to account for any differences between them and the property being valued. For example, if the comparable property has more square footage than the property being valued, you would adjust the sales price of the comparable property downward to reflect the fact that the extra square footage does not add as much value as the rest of the property.
- Determine the value: After making adjustments for differences, you can determine the estimated value of the property being valued by averaging the adjusted sales prices of the comparable properties.
It’s important to note that there may not always be enough comparable sales data to accurately determine the value of a property, especially if the property is unique or located in an area with limited sales activity. In such cases, additional valuation methods such as the income approach or cost approach may be necessary to determine the value of the property.